Not a bug Can't download 2.3 release cantidate


Active member
Affected version
2.3 RC1
When the RC1 announcement came out I was able to download the update for 1 of my 2 active licenses. Now I'm trying to download the file for the second one but it doesn't give me the option, and if I look at the other license I can't either :(

Click the version field.

Ok, the problem is that 2.3 is shown below 2.2.x and 2.1.x and this can cause confusion. It should be displayed at the top as before.

that's how it is downloading here!


pack-47b8c1b04b019ea49217a267f6b9220f003ba0d1.pack file in upload\src\vendor\joypixels\emoji-toolkit\.git\objects\pack\ seems to be the issue.
RC2 is now available again.
I managed to upgrade when the package was large. Are there any folders I might need to delete and reupload from the updated RC2 package to save space? Only asking as I think it was like 500 megs.
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