Well-known member
Example code:
Notice that the compiler will throw a fit on line 2 about xen:checked being there. Replace xen:checked with xen : if, xen:escape or any other functions, it will also throw a fit.
I also noticed that all admin templates that require the use of functions uses the input tag instead of xen : option, so this might be a suggestion instead.
Example code:
<xen:checkboxunit label="{$preparedOption.title}" name="{$fieldPrefix}[{$preparedOption.option_id}]" hint="{$preparedOption.hint}">
<xen:option name="{$fieldPrefix}[{$preparedOption.option_id}][display][posts]" label="{xen:phrase 3ps_usergroup_ranks_in_posts}" {xen:checked $preparedOption.option_value.display.posts}>
<xen:select name="{$fieldPrefix}[{$preparedOption.option_id}][display_position][posts]" value="{$preparedOption.option_value.display_position.posts}">
<xen:option value="0">{xen:phrase 3ps_usergroup_ranks_over_avatar}</xen:option>
<xen:option value="1">{xen:phrase 3ps_usergroup_ranks_under_avatar}</xen:option>
<xen:option value="2">{xen:phrase 3ps_usergroup_ranks_above_username}</xen:option>
<xen:option value="3">{xen:phrase 3ps_usergroup_ranks_under_user_title}</xen:option>
<xen:explain>{xen:raw $preparedOption.explain}</xen:explain>
<input type="hidden" name="{$listedFieldName}" value="{$preparedOption.option_id}" />
{xen:raw $editLink}
Notice that the compiler will throw a fit on line 2 about xen:checked being there. Replace xen:checked with xen : if, xen:escape or any other functions, it will also throw a fit.
I also noticed that all admin templates that require the use of functions uses the input tag instead of xen : option, so this might be a suggestion instead.
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