XF 2.1 Can you disable the "Messages have been posted since you loaded this page" alert?


Is it possible to disable the "Messages have been posted since you loaded this page - view them?" alert? My forum users are complaining about it!
I am not trying to take away from your request, but there is one good reason to keep this enabled and it is not just to be able to view a new reply easily.

It is that this is an alert that lets you know a reply has been posted so if you are in the act of replying, you may want to read it as your own reply may no longer be relevant. How many times have you replied and had to say "Ooops we replied at the same time" or "Oh I see you answered that already"? This helps mitigate those scenarios. You may want to consider the productiveness of your actual forum instead of a few naysayers.
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I am not trying to take away form you request, but there is one good reason to keep this enabled and it is not just to be able to view a new reply easily.

It is that this is an alert that lets you know a reply has been posted so if you are in the act of replying, you may want to read it as your own reply may no longer be relevant. How many times have you replied and had to say "Ooops we replied at the same time" or "Oh I see you answered that already"? This helps mitigate those scenarios. You may want to consider the productiveness of your actual forum instead of a few naysayers.

Yes that makes sense. It would be good to know if it was possible to disable it but perhaps I also need to take less notice of the few who like to complain!
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