Can we re-use keys in prepared statements?


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Lets look at this code:
public function getSearchResults($keywords)
	$media = $this->_getDb()->fetchAll("
			MATCH(media_title) AGAINST(?) AS score_title,
			MATCH(media_description) AGAINST(?) AS score_description,
			MATCH(media_custom1) AGAINST(?) AS score_custom1,
			MATCH(media_custom2) AGAINST(?) AS score_custom2,
			MATCH(media_custom3) AGAINST(?) AS score_custom3,
			MATCH(media_custom4) AGAINST(?) AS score_custom4,
			MATCH(media_custom5) AGAINST(?) AS score_custom5
			FROM EWRmedio_search
		WHERE MATCH(media_title) AGAINST(?)
			OR MATCH(media_description) AGAINST(?)
			OR MATCH(media_custom1) AGAINST(?)
			OR MATCH(media_custom2) AGAINST(?)
			OR MATCH(media_custom3) AGAINST(?)
			OR MATCH(media_custom4) AGAINST(?)
			OR MATCH(media_custom5) AGAINST(?)
	", array($keywords, $keywords, $keywords, $keywords, $keywords, $keywords, $keywords, $keywords, $keywords, $keywords, $keywords, $keywords));

	return $media;
notice the array of $keywords at the bottom... Something like that pisses me off...
I took this from the Zend documentation

      $sql = 'SELECT * FROM bugs WHERE ' .
             'reported_by = :reporter AND bug_status = :status';
      $stmt = new Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli($db, $sql);
      $stmt->execute(array(':reporter' => 'goofy', ':status' => 'FIXED'));

This, translated to XenForo, try using :myParam instead of ?, and then in the array sending myParam => $keywords
Although I have not tried this, I would expect it to work :)
I took this from the Zend documentation

      $sql = 'SELECT * FROM bugs WHERE ' .
             'reported_by = :reporter AND bug_status = :status';
      $stmt = new Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli($db, $sql);
      $stmt->execute(array(':reporter' => 'goofy', ':status' => 'FIXED'));

This, translated to XenForo, try using :myParam instead of ?, and then in the array sending myParam => $keywords
Although I have not tried this, I would expect it to work :)
I tested this. Sadly, it does not work. This is because only PDO seems to support named parameters. MySqli does not.
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