Can I remove "Log Out" in the Nav Bar?


New member
Is it possible to remove the Log Out button on the Nav Bar? I use aMember to control all access to XF and I do not want my users to log out via XF, because this only logs them out of one part of the overall system, XF, but does not log users out of Wordpress or aMember. Simply removing any reference to Log Out would be great.
Is it possible to remove the Log Out button on the Nav Bar? I use aMember to control all access to XF and I do not want my users to log out via XF, because this only logs them out of one part of the overall system, XF, but does not log users out of Wordpress or aMember. Simply removing any reference to Log Out would be great.

Yes, you can remove it. Find the following code at thenavigation_visitor_tab template and either remove it or comment it out.

<li class="navTab PopupClosed"><a href="{xen:link logout}" class="navLink visitorTabItem OverlayTrigger">{xen:phrase log_out}</a></li>
That's the trick, thank you!

Any hints on removing Log Out from the Account Details hover that pops up from the Nav Bar when over the member name?

Same template, repeat the same procedure with this code:

<ul class="col2 blockLinksList">
           <li><a href="{xen:link logout, '', '_xfToken={$visitor.csrf_token_page}'}" class="LogOut">{xen:phrase log_out}</a></li>
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