XF 1.3 Can I hide Resource Manager


Active member

I use Resource Manager in my XF1.3 installation. Is it possible to remove the RM menu item from the main menu or move it to a sub menu? One of my menu entries (level 0) is "Services". I would like to add Resource Manager as first item of Services

-- Resources
-- 2nd Service
Is this possible?

Regards, rhodes
1) Edit the route handler to change the selected tab for RM pages:


In the match() function, change the tabid:

Rich (BB code):
return $router->getRouteMatch($controller, $action, 'resources');

Tab IDs of navigation tabs can be seen in the HTML source:

Rich (BB code):
<li class="navTab members Popup PopupControl PopupClosed">

2) Hide the existing RM tab with CSS:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> EXTRA.css

	display: none;

3) Add the actual hyperlink to the new tab.

If it's a default tab then you will find the HTML in the navigation template. Here is an example:


However, if it's a tab from an addon then it will probably have its own template (ask the author of the addon).
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