Active member
When someone first clicks "Media" in the top navbar, you end up at a page with a jumble of thumbnails from all albums. I'd like to avoid this entirely, but can't see a way to hide it. It'd rather they come to the list/thumbnails of the ALBUMS available.
Also - feature request... would be great if users can set their own album "cover view" or image... rather than the auto-picked quad-box of images from that album.
Would also like to have the album name and author shown on the grid of albums available... they pop-up when moused-over, but would rather they be visible always above or below the album thumbnail.
Also - feature request... would be great if users can set their own album "cover view" or image... rather than the auto-picked quad-box of images from that album.
Would also like to have the album name and author shown on the grid of albums available... they pop-up when moused-over, but would rather they be visible always above or below the album thumbnail.