Can I have non moderators to read reports


I have a group of users that should be able to read most of whats going on, but not really have the mandate to change anything.
Today all reports comes to a forum category and is handled there. But I would lika to switch to Xenforo default moderator panel.
I have tried changing the rights to enable this group to see the reports without the ability to really change anything.
The selection "Edit any post" seems to open up the ability to read these reports - but also to edit all posts in the forum.

Is there a way to achieve this?
It does not have to be in a link on top or the exact report page. But I would like to share all reports and discussions around them with this group.
OK, thanks. I understand.
I need to figure out an alternative to be able to let this user group keep tab on what is happening.
I have noticed a couple of addons for the moderation, maybe I can solve my need with one of them.
A follow up here.
I can set a user to Moderator and disable to show the user as Staff. That kind of solves this as this user now can see the reports - if I allow this user to also 'Edit any posts' or 'Delete any post'.
These two seems to be the setting that triggers the possibility to see the reports.

We are an association. And what I want to solve is for our board to have read access to the moderation activities to follow and see what is going on in the forum - without giving them any rights to change anything (like delete or edit posts).
That is the way we do it today. But the problem with that is that it is harder to communicate with the reporter instead.
In the default moderator queue you can notify the reporter in a good way.
When you send the repots to a forum, you have to use conversations or mail - and then that is hidden from the rest.

That is why we are investigating the possibility to use the default moderation panel - to be able to communicate better with the reporter as well.
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