
Calendar [Paid] 1.0.12

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I would love to see features that the old FS event was planning:
Most of the suggestions here are already core features in this addon.
It would also be awesome to see something that could work well with an gaming community, I made a forum post a long time ago with some features that I had in mind back then.
Some features in this thread exist too (e.g. widgets, recurring events, permissions, separate calendars, etc). Will look in to the others though. :)
Most of the suggestions here are already core features in this addon.

Some features in this thread exist too (e.g. widgets, recurring events, permissions, separate calendars, etc). Will look in to the others though. :)
Nice! Just some ideas, I'm just glad to finally have a good calendar resource :D
I've just installed this addon. Works pretty well. At the moment our moderators are testing. We have some minor suggestions.
  • If you use the upcoming events widget to show 5 events in the forum list sidebar latest events are shown first. If you have 5 events in December and 5 events in August only the December events appear now. It would be nice to have an opion to change the sort order for the widget, so that the August events are shown first.
  • In the calendar overview page the whole event body text is listed for every single event. A cropped teaser text would be very nice here.
  • If you activate a sidebar calendar no events are attached to the sidebar calendar (no linked dates).
In the calendar overview page the whole event body text is listed for every single event. A cropped teaser text would be very nice here.
Do you mean on the sidebar or the actual event you’re viewing?
If you activate a sidebar calendar no events are attached to the sidebar calendar (no linked dates).
I've been wanting to do this but the calendar library I'm using (to actually generate the calendar views, etc) makes it look weird. I've been trialing an alternative solution so it may change soon!
Do you mean on the sidebar or the actual event you’re viewing?
Not in the sidebar, in the calendar overview page . In this overview page all calendar events are listed with their full body text.

I've been wanting to do this but the calendar library I'm using (to actually generate the calendar views, etc) makes it look weird.
Sounds difficult :rolleyes:
>>Users are able to invite others to RSVP to events.
We've defined several events. Members can use RSVP, but unfortunately I cannot find an "invite" option. I've checked permissions for all user roles. Any idea what I can do?
@NixFifty How's the XF2 version coming along? We getting closer to a release (even if it's a beta)?
It's been running live on a board for a couple weeks. I'm cooking up a small feature update for both versions and can probably look at releasing it along with that.
Is 1.0.6 scheduled for release?
The 11 fixes including the importer fix would be nice to have, as I would be able to test the importer and if it works I can start testing the software with some real data.
Is 1.0.6 scheduled for release?
The 11 fixes including the importer fix would be nice to have, as I would be able to test the importer and if it works I can start testing the software with some real data.
Yes, should have that out soon.
It's been running live on a board for a couple weeks. I'm cooking up a small feature update for both versions and can probably look at releasing it along with that.

Can't wait. Thanks. More than happy to provide feedback if you have a demo board.
Great, I just discovered this calendar addon. I like it very, very much. It is also very nice that an XF2 variant is planned.

I really like the "all day" option. With our events it is often the case that a time is not yet known when the events are entered. At XenAtendo we always have to assign non true times, which irritates the users. For that we could choose the "whole day" in this calendar, great. Maybe another option "Time not certain yet" would make sense, which then appears on the event details page to inform the users.

I also like the fact that there can be different calendars, just like in the past with vBulletin. For example, we have country-specific dates and so we can enter "Germany", "Austria", "Switzerland" calendars, etc. in order not to mix the dates. We have 3000-5000 appointments per year, so every sort is important. Awesome!

Can we please still enter search terms additional to the tags? Or can this already be mapped with the custom fields? In our calendar there are different types of events, e.g. game, competition, demonstration, multiplayer, single combat etc., which can also be combined via checkboxes when the event is entered. Users then often select in the calendar that they only want to see "competitions" and "multiplayer" dates, for example.
The tags also work for searches in the forum and gallery, right? Then you find too much with the tags, you just want to find dates.

I should like to make two proposals which I consider to be important:

  • Area search (km around a city) or ZIP code area search (km around a ZIP code)
  • Option (not required to create an event) to start a thread when creating events, which is then displayed instead of the event detail page. We have many dates, which have to be discussed like threads and should contain the Google map, header pictures and event description as the first post and then directly allow a thread below. But only for 300-500 events/year, not for all events.
    Or, much more "simple", just all to comment an event. So place below the share buttons a "Post reply"-Button and allow replies.
    An option set at event creation time, if comments are allowed or not for this event, would be great.
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BTW, is this or the XF2 version generating a bit of Google friendly event structured data? If not consider this a feature suggestion. More info here:
Both versions have structured data support already. The XF1 version is getting a bit more added to it in the forthcoming update. I'm hoping to drop that today and then full steam ahead on polishing the XF2 version.
Can we please still enter search terms additional to the tags? Or can this already be mapped with the custom fields? In our calendar there are different types of events, e.g. game, competition, demonstration, multiplayer, single combat etc., which can also be combined via checkboxes when the event is entered. Users then often select in the calendar that they only want to see "competitions" and "multiplayer" dates, for example.
The tags also work for searches in the forum and gallery, right? Then you find too much with the tags, you just want to find dates.
You can use custom fields for this and then opt to display those fields on list views.
Area search (km around a city) or ZIP code area search (km around a ZIP code)
Option (not required to create an event) to start a thread when creating events, which is then displayed instead of the event detail page. We have many dates, which have to be discussed like threads and should contain the Google map, header pictures and event description as the first post and then directly allow a thread below. But only for 300-500 events/year, not for all events.
Or, much more "simple", just all to comment an event. So place below the share buttons a "Post reply"-Button and allow replies.
An option set at event creation time, if comments are allowed or not for this event, would be great.
Events with discussion threads show an extra tab letting users quickly get to that thread. A simpler comment system available on events and independant of threads is something I've looked in to but will probably not be added until a future update.
NixFifty updated Calendar with a new update entry:

Version 1.0.6

Apologies for the slight delay in getting this one out. I'd originally planned to release this last week but life happened and has kept me busy since. :)

To support some of the new changes and features, you'll need to do some housekeeping straight after upgrading. I strongly recommend using Chris D's add-on install and upgrade to install this update to avoid potential issues with strict opcaches.
  • Head...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Events with discussion threads show an extra tab letting users quickly get to that thread. A simpler comment system available on events and independant of threads is something I've looked in to but will probably not be added until a future update.

My experience is that users often simply overlook Xenforo's tabs. All contents behind tabs are not used as intensively as if they were on the same scrollable page. This is probably due to the very frequent mobile use and the superficial viewing. I would therefore prefer a "real" thread discussion with the usual Xenforo editor on one page.

My users currently use it intensively with XenAtendo 2 Pro, i.e. many events (but of course not all at 3000-5000 offline events per year) are discussed heavily in their respective threads. So often x pages long threads develop. Always with the event as first message of this "real" thread, which is sorted in the threads in the chosable/correct forums. That is very important, because so users find also the events as threads, even if they do not visit the calendar - which is normally the case.

A discussion function limited to the calendar addon, which works differently, looks different than threads and is not sorted as threads in forums, might not - at least with my users - be so successful. Users are used to threads, but not to events (also applies to medias in the gallery). Users are lazy and look daily only into the threads ...

That would be a very important function for my XenAtendo-used users... Could you perhaps provide this as an option? I would be willing to contribute something financially.
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