Calendar: Paid or Free Addon?


Active member
Since Xenforo 1.0 will not be released with a calendar, I am wondering if the calendar will be released as a paid addon or will it be released as a free upgrade such as XF 1.5 or 2.0?
Jerry, you can set the 'page' permissions in the admincp and then only whichever usergroups you have given permission to can view it.

That's to control it within xF for sure, though how about having the Google calendar private to begin with and then have xF authenticate somehow to use it ?

I'm thinking if it's a company, and then have the user log into their email as well, Google can handle the permissions for both, though thats messy.
I would like a calendar feature too, one which is viewable by usergroup permission base.
I hope that the devs will take note of this next bit of nonsense. A bit like myself, most people that buy this software will not have a clue how to intergrate third party software, include a calendar, take the lead.
I would like a calendar feature too, one which is viewable by usergroup permission base.
I hope that the devs will take note of this next bit of nonsense. A bit like myself, most people that buy this software will not have a clue how to intergrate third party software, include a calendar, take the lead.

It's a requirement of a project I'm working on now that I'm going to use xF for. I've convinced the client they should be using Google apps for things like Calandars etc, as they can sync up their phones and it takes care of all their email etc.

Google gives API access of course :

Once I've figured it out and built it, I'll write up a blog or howto for it.
No calendar. No sale.
Well, vBulletin's calendar is terrible. Probably even more effective would be to make a Tab called "Calendar" and then Make a Page called Calendar and link the Page to the Tab !
I don't need a calendar per say...unless they do an event thing....again like facebook.

Has everyone looked at the new Events Addon ?
XenAtendo (Events)
Has anyone thought about more of an Events type system, like Facebook has? Maybe show in their profile Events that are upcoming that they are attending? Others can look at the events, click Attending, Maybe, Not Attending... like an RSVP tool.
I like the idea of a forum-calendar that allows discussions of events right integrated with the calendar, has reminders, attending or not attending buttons, etc. Also must have a good xml feed to sync up with external sites/apps which want to pull events from our sites.
I like the idea of a forum-calendar that allows discussions of events right integrated with the calendar, has reminders, attending or not attending buttons, etc. Also must have a good xml feed to sync up with external sites/apps which want to pull events from our sites.

Sounds like a paid mod of XenAtendo.

that allows discussions of events right integrated with the calendar
How would that look ?
Would a simple link to a forum thread work ?
Can you draw a picture of it ?

Here is XenAtendo in action.
See the RSVP'd. See the comments afterwards.
Does that work as you wanted ?
I like the idea of a forum-calendar that allows discussions of events right integrated with the calendar, has reminders, attending or not attending buttons, etc. Also must have a good xml feed to sync up with external sites/apps which want to pull events from our sites.
If you can give me the specifications for your desired xml feed, I can get it done.

I have already generated an XML feed for my XenMedio mod based on the google video sitemap:
Sounds like a paid mod of XenAtendo.

How would that look ?
Would a simple link to a forum thread work ?
Can you draw a picture of it ?

Here is XenAtendo in action.
See the RSVP'd. See the comments afterwards.
Does that work as you wanted ?
That looks pretty darn good. I'm not sure yet but I have xen in mind for a few sites in the future. The site which uses the calendar most heavily is a local community site. But with the forum and calendar, members prefer posting on the forum right now. I think having a discussion about an event creates a lot more interest than just posting it on the calendar. Or if they post it on the calendar, they post a forum thread too in order to create discussion on it to get a lot more interest.

I like the idea of a calendar format thought, both a traditional calendar format and a list view would be ideal. But then maybe the details of each even is actually a forum thread. I suppose the list view is really just a forum, but organized chronologically from today's date forward.
If you can give me the specifications for your desired xml feed, I can get it done.

I have already generated an XML feed for my XenMedio mod based on the google video sitemap:
Cool. It wouldn't have to be complex, but it seems like it would be great for other sites to be able to pull/include events posted on a xenforo calendar. Just event title, date, description, and link for the basics.

Still thinking out loud, I also like the way facebook allows a thumbnail for each event in the list view to draw attention and make the list a lot more interesting than a "boring calendar." So maybe icon too, to get fancy. Or maybe just the basics to start.
I always found bots to get stuck viewing calender pages, or getting lost in them. When first using XenForo, one of the first things I noticed was it not having a calender. This was something I was fully ok with.

If it is implemented I would like to see a way for it to be fully disabled and not just some template edits required by other forum providers to hide it.
a normal Forum-calender is quite boring. Having it as a fully fledged event-management-system with people attending and also users being able to send event-invitations to their followers would be great.
If your going to eventually add a calendar in XenForo. It really has to be quite powerful offering things to rival that of the IPB calendar, which is actually pretty good.

1: Calendar RSS Feeds (option)
2: Calendar (can be searched - important!)
3: Forum features such as YouTube videos can be posted on it in events added, please no half baked weak limited calendar posting features.
4: Events and birthdays get pulled on forum page (of course)
5: Option (maybe) for replies to even be posted "on events" added using permissions to calendar itself.

That's just off the top of my head, anything less than that and I would not even bother adding one to XenForo. We really need to avoid a repeat of the lame calendar vBulletin 3 always had. Take a look at what can be done with the IPB 3 calendar, it's the best forum calendar out there bar none.
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