New member
This is the English version of my July 29’th article, which you can read in Russian here. And sorry for my awesome English.
1. Methods of BB-Tags limitation bypass:
Bypassing images limit:
2. But how?
I think it’s because of xenforo’s bb codes parsing order. It looks like that:
Methods 1 and 2 is based on “breaking” tag “img” with limited “media” or “font” tags, that just will be removed before rendering (but after counting “img” tags). Third method similar, but tag content won’t get removed.
3. Ok, but how to fix it?
I’m not quite into PHP, so only jQuery fix and text description:
As example you can view my signature
1. Methods of BB-Tags limitation bypass:
Bypassing images limit:
[url=http://linktoanywhere.somewhere][img[media=youtube]123[/media]]image url[/img][/url]
Method #1
[url=http://linktoanywhere.somewhere][img[font=123][/font]]image url[/img][/url]
Method #2
[code][img]image url[/img]{/code] (replace { with [, required only there)
Method #3
2. But how?
I think it’s because of xenforo’s bb codes parsing order. It looks like that:
- Counting img, url, email tags
- Merging count with permissions, if error - stop and write error message
- Removing prohibited tags (like media or font tags)
- Render BB to HTML
Methods 1 and 2 is based on “breaking” tag “img” with limited “media” or “font” tags, that just will be removed before rendering (but after counting “img” tags). Third method similar, but tag content won’t get removed.
3. Ok, but how to fix it?
I’m not quite into PHP, so only jQuery fix and text description:
- Method one: count img, url and email tags while rendering them in html
- Limit images in signature via CSS
- Remove images and iframes from signature via jQuery: PasteBin
As example you can view my signature