XF 2.1 Bypass my host? to use a different smtp service?


Active member
Good morning all,
And is it possible to bypass my host? It does not allow me to configure xenforo to use a smtp service different from its own? Thanks for your help.
XenForo allows you to set your own SMTP credentials and use any other service for email delivery you wish
Yes, but when I configure the SMTP it does not work, I tried with gmail and zoho nothing to do.

  • ErrorException: Email to hshopp@zohomail.eu failed: [E_WARNING] stream_socket_enable_crypto(): Peer certificate CN=`*.blazingfast.io' did not match expected CN=`smtp.gmail.com'
  • src/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/StreamBuffer.php:103


  • cce2da7ef41bc39f9a5aa75ff1287f3e (1).webp
    cce2da7ef41bc39f9a5aa75ff1287f3e (1).webp
    26.8 KB · Views: 10
You're trying to send email using a gmail address as your "from address", right? That's always going to cause issues unless you are sending via Google's mail servers, because to everyone else, it looks like you are trying to send spam.

Use an email address associated with your website domain as your from address and set up SPF/DKIM/etc - make sure it's a valid address which can receive bounced email notifications for processing by XenForo.

Even better, use a 3rd party ESP like SparkPost, Mailgun, Amazon SES, Postmark, etc.
Some servers actively reroute any connections on specific SMTP ports to their own SMTP server, usually as a spam prevention method.

Generally you can't workaround that short of using a different port, if possible (though they may be blocking that). If that's the case, you'd have to contact your host for help.
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