XF 2.1 build-release outputs ZIP file name with old version


Active member
So before I do a xf-addon:build-release, I update addon.json to bump the version:

    "version_id": 1000070,
    "version_string": "1.0.7 Alpha",

But the ZIP file that gets generated is always Test-Addon-1.0.5 Alpha.zip

But then when I install the zip file, the proper version is shown in xf admin.

Am I missing some step so the zip file gets named properly?

You need to sync the add-on JSON file (php /<path to xf root>/cmd.php xf-addon:sync <add-on id>) or upgrade your add-on (php /<path to xf root>/cmd.php xf-addon:upgrade <add-on id>).
You need to sync the add-on JSON file (php /<path to xf root>/cmd.php xf-addon:sync <add-on id>) or upgrade your add-on (php /<path to xf root>/cmd.php xf-addon:upgrade <add-on id>).
Thanks! I knew it would be something simple I was missing.
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