RM 2.2 BUG ? Old review reappears after deleting the resource

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Deleted member 184953


I had created some time ago a resource and a review for testing.
They stayed on the forum a few weeks then when I put my site into production I deleted them permanently.
I've since created new resources, no problem.
However, today I am creating a resource again and the old review of the deleted resource has reappeared attached to the newly created resource. I try to delete it but the system refuses with a weird error message.

Capture d’écran 2020-11-28 235739.png

Oops, something is wrong
please enter a number of at least 0
please enter a number of at least 0

What's going on here?
Thanks ! :)
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It looks like you have some corruption/inconsistency in the database.

Check the xf_rm_resource_rating table for an entry which corresponds with the review text.
I'm sorry i don't understand what you mean.
This review was deleted with the original resource several weeks ago, i don't know why it reappears like a ghost with this new resource.

And why it is not possible to delete it with this weird alert message.
I've never been to my database since installing the site. I remember this review it corresponded to a tutorial related to Windows, nothing to do with the current tutorial
It looks like you have some corruption/inconsistency in the database.

Check the xf_rm_resource_rating table for an entry which corresponds with the review text.
It's likely okay but it may have been useful to see the data to try and determine how the database got into that state.

If there was a resource with an ID of 9 which was permanently deleted then there shouldn't be another resource created with the same ID as the table should auto increment.
I suppose there is no trash in DB ?
Sorry for that, it may have been useful to know how this happends, yes.

I don't remember if i created this resource about windows when the site was in localhost or with the previous domain name. I think it was on localhost. I had exported the DB (localhost) and then had imported it on the new (live site), maybe something happends here ?
But the resource wasn't deleted on localhost but in livesite.
I think it was on localhost. I had exported the DB (localhost) and then had imported it on the new (live site), maybe something happends here ?

I was going to ask whether you originally started on localhost so that is the most likely explanation - an incomplete/corrupt backup or restore.
Is a review is DB deleted when his resource is hard-deleted with moderator tools ?
I was going to ask whether you originally started on localhost so that is the most likely explanation - an incomplete/corrupt backup or restore.
I found the original resource in my localhost XF installation, but the resource get the id8 and at this time there was no review so I had to write it later when the site was live... weird.

Capture d’écran 2020-11-30 211611.png
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