XF 1.1 BST and Cron Jobs


Well-known member
How does the move to BST affect the cron jobs on the forum?

I've noticed now that all mine have moved forward an hour, so for example, I had Chris' Board Active Cron add-on running at 03:28 to close the forum while I back up the database, and it's now running at 04:28

Localtime on the server is linked to Europe/London

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 33 Jul 25 2012 /etc/localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/London
time only changed for you not the server I would have to assume...

since BST is adding 1 hour, for you it is one hour later where for the server it is the same time?
Ok so you moved forward+1 and your server moved forward+1 if it is not still firing at 3:28 and it is responding with firing at 4:28 than you have a situation that looks like the cron is relative to gmt+0 so (gmt-0 3:28) is = to (bst4:28)

bst(time)is = (UTC(time) + 1 hour)

that jump forward just happened right?
Yeah, it happened at 00:59 last night. I can switch the server to UTC.

I was wondering how XF dealt with the whole date thing, because when I was on phpBB3, you set the board time separate to the server time via the ACP, and had to manually apply daylight savings on a board wide setting for guests, and each user had to set it individually themselves.
the only setting that is going to make it relative and equal to your time is changing the time zone of the computer you are operating at

however to make a job relative to your time you would need to change the job's settings to move back 1 hr, try setting it in the acp to 2:28 with your server at the proper time
Ah, so XF is populating the time I see from my local machine then?

In that case, I'll leave the server time zone on the main box at BST, and just knock the cron jobs to close the board back an hour.
The time you see is in your time zone. The crons are either based on GMT or the server time zone -- can't remember off hand.
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