[BS] Reputation [Deleted]

One more thing, any plans to add widgets or maybe tabs to your stat options addon to show users with highest reputation?
Seems like my biggest problem lately is happening here again. I'm getting no confirmation emails when trying to register to buy this.

it's getting very frustrating @021 I know this is just one incident with you, but it's becoming a nuisance all around. Especially when you're trying to PAY for something
.hello. Check your spam folder. If there are no mails, please write to me in private messages, indicating your mail.
My gosh I'm sorry. I am in the wrong thread. We are buying your addon too, but it was NOT your site that had the problem registering, it was another addon developer.

I'm very sorry.

PS you can follow my post history to see who it was meant to go to :)
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I have tested now both addons for reputation.

Yours miss the anonymous way.
Also there is no range to give points calculated by reg.time, posts, reactions (but this can be done by new usergroups somehow)

Both miss something really important:

Admin may view all comments (can_view_all)
Users may view only received or given comments (can_view_own)
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It looks like that your rep. points are not shown like other points;

check the tabs for points, reactions, posts; there you can see them all and the chosen one.
Your rep.points are viewable only in your own tab.
Admin may view all comments (can_view_all)
Users may view only received or given comments (can_view_own)
YES YES YES!! I mentioned this in a PM to him as well (can only see rep received or given). We were going to disable the addon until it could get sorted.

I have now purchased 3 different versions rep addons trying to get my forum functioning like the 1x version, this one is by far the closest to what we had before, there are a couple cosmetic things I'd really like to see but that's not a big deal now

But if we could just get this one feature added, I"d be thrilled.
This feature is not really a big story. You can maybe add it for yourself with a small if, then in the template.


What happens, if you have 20 posts with 100 comments for every post?
Then it is important not to trick the view with an if/then in the template;
you maybe dont want the join of a second table at all. But i have to view code to know more now.

And: Where can i see all the comments i have sent; where can i see all the comments i have receidved;
maybe we miss two more pages (one page with two tabs) for every user to see this.
Conclusion till here:
  1. disable in thread (for me overkill, but ok); => but missing setup 0/1 for a whole forum
  2. the anonymous way
  3. range to give points calculated by reg.time, posts, reactions ...
  4. It looks like that rep. points are not shown like other points; check the tabs for points, reactions, posts for memberlists;
  5. Admin may view all comments (can_view_all) // Users may view only received or given comments (can_view_own)
  6. Missing a page (with two tabs) to see given/receidved points

1. Forum is one more field and another if/then

2. anonymous way is one more field for the rep itself; and template stuff

3. range is maybe more complicated, i have no idea how to do it now; maybe be a factor for every user calculated by (whatever); and then i have round(group-points*own_factor)

4. memberlists is cosmetic, i guess

5. an new ugp and then limit queries

6. ...

Maybe the select should fetch only the last x reps; and need a click/query for the next x reps, i have not checked now.

I dont know how to program the joins, when you fetch only your own sent/received reps;

I also dont know, if this joins are heavy stuff; if so, we could save the last x reps inside xf_post?
One more thing. I cant avoid that guests can see the comments for a post.
View reputation given by users is set to no or never; but i still can see the reps.
And finally my last comment, before i will deinstall this addon.

I have added now 8 posts and 9 reps in a thread;

with that addon i have now 44 queries; without the addon i have 26 queries

And i am shure that the queries will increase more, when i have twenty posts instead of 8;
there must be a better way to fetch the data for the posts.
Man, honestly, this is the worst way to get things done :)

I recommend putting it all in one post, or better yet, one thing at a time.

I just pray we get the slightly more granular permissions
One more thing. I cant avoid that guests can see the comments for a post.
View reputation given by users is set to no or never; but i still can see the reps.
I had this problem too, but it seems it was cached. even thought I had firebug open and had 'disable cache' selected.

I'm curious to know if you resolved it.

Does this add-on use the Reaction tables to handle reputations, or does it store in it's own tables? I have a client who needs an custom importer for a long abandoned reputation addon from XF 1.5 that stores data in a single xf_reputation. If your addon is not using the Reaction tables, importing will be much easier.

Does this add-on use the Reaction tables to handle reputations, or does it store in it's own tables?
Hello. My add-on uses its own table, but the add-on implements import from the reactions table.
If you need an import from a 3rd party add-on, you can contact me in private messages for custom development of the importer :)



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