Brogan, can I call you 'Bro" for short ?

Brogan? Surely that 'r' has only just been added?
Great work Kier !!

If I did not love these guys so much you would know about it.

I think Kier and Co are earning their goodwill out here, I like fighters and they are fighting the good fight for sure.
LOL, I have taken a lot of shots at Kier and he is just sending some back my way is all, you guys must know he is a fierce badminton player and is not going to take shots hit at him without a hard return.
LOL, I have taken a lot of shots at Kier and he is just sending some back my way is all, you guys must know he is a fierce badminton player and is not going to take shots hit at him without a hard return.

That's about the most coherent thing you have said recently Anthony :p
LOL, he can't prove that with foot doodles and smashing muffins with bare feet !!

So I guess the guys will have to submit some badminton videos to the forum !!
LOL, I have taken a lot of shots at Kier and he is just sending some back my way is all, you guys must know he is a fierce badminton player and is not going to take shots hit at him without a hard return.

Must not reply, must not reply, must not reply .... oh come on no one else was thinking of a reply that would have the Mods reaching for the ban button ;)
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