Brand new install... can't use importer

Bonsai Coder

Active member
I have a clean install of xenForo and xenForo Media Gallery. This is on the same server as my PhotoPost install, just one directory over.

I am trying to import for PhotoPost PHP Pro / Gallery.

On the importing page I want to confirm:

MySQL User Name - this is the user name for the PhotoPost DB, correct?
MySQL Database Name - this is the DB name for the PhotoPost DB, correct?

Because I enter all my correct information, as confirmed by cPanel, and I am getting this error:


The source database connection details are not correct: Access denied for user 'bonsainu_photogal'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

[EDIT] This error was created because I was entering "photogal" instead of "photgal" but see the error below [/EDIT]
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Guys thank you both for your support. My brain is about to explode.

When I went back to the importer, it said import was already in progress and gave me the option to proceed. I proceeded, and the import finished without a glitch.

Hopefully someone else will read this and learn from my voyage of self-discovery :)
You must've changed something there after those errors.
What was that?

I was using the wrong importer. There are two for PhotoPost - one that says PhotoPost Gallery, and one that just says PhotoPost.

I have had PhotoPost about 9 years now so I couldn't remember what product I owned. I went and checked my license and it said "Photo Post PHP Pro / Photo Gallery" so I was trying to use the first importer option. As soon as I tried the 2nd option everything worked.
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