Bounce Rate


Well-known member
I finally got a chance to dig a bit into my Analytics, since my largest community has been powered by XF for a couple weeks now.. I can finally start to look into some old vs new trends.. One of the biggest changes ive seen so far is a serious decline in Bounce Rates. I was really shocked to say the least at the instant improvements.. Really just amazing. I suppose i can contribute most of this to the decreased load times.. from vB4 to XF 1.0.0 B5 Regardless this is just one example of why i knew XF was the best choice for my communities.. Say what you want about "mature" software.. The proof is in the pudding as they say.. At the end of the day its all about traffic and what visitors do when they find your sites.. and these low low bounce rates are a great indicator that its just a matter of time before my registration rates increase to.
:D This makes me a happy Admin for the first time in a year.
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