Block spam members


Hi there

My Google security settings, e-mail verification are all active, but 2-3 members spam every day on the forum site and I am very tired of deleting them.
Is there any way to block these?

Unfortunately even with various tools, spammers are problematic.

I've now resorted to moderating all content posted by users with fewer than 5 posts.. At least that way the spam isn't seen by legitimate users.
If your running a VPS or Dedicated server with CSF firewall then you can uncomment stopforumspam in the relevant config file to block all known spammer IP (stopforumspam) address's so long as IPSET is supported on the server (OpenVZ doesnt support it)

Edit /etc/csf/csf.blocklists

# Stop Forum Spam
# Details:
# Many of the lists available contain a vast number of IP addresses so special
# care needs to be made when selecting from their lists
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