XF 2.2 Blank page after upgrade to XF 2.22


Well-known member

I have a blank page after upgrading to version 2.22
Any correlation with widget.php?

I get this error message (ACP):
  • InvalidArgumentException: Template public PAGE_CONTAINER error: No widgets defined with forum_overview_forum_statistics widget_key
  • src/XF/SubContainer/Widget.php:80
  • Generated by: "my nickname"
  • Dec 2, 2020 at 9:44 AM

Steps done:

  • Addons disabled.
  • Tried with another language.
  • Widgets removed.
  • Page_container merged.
  • Tried on default style.

ACP works

Widget.php line 80


What's wrong please?
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I'm looking at your site right now and I don't seem to have any problems browsing around. That could possibly indicate some sort of around the rendering of the widget.

Have you added some sort of custom widget -- probably an HTML widget -- that references another widget it within it? If so, that'd presumably be the cause.

It's worth mentioning that the ID of the widget in the error message is one created by XF by default, but widgets aren't modified as part of the upgrade process. If anything, I'd guess this widget had been removed somehow (perhaps via a direct DB query) and the upgrade triggered a standard cache rebuild. You probably could recreate the widget with that ID (forum_overview_forum_statistics), though I don't know if you had modified its configuration in any way.
I'm looking at your site right now and I don't seem to have any problems browsing around. That could possibly indicate some sort of around the rendering of the widget.

Have you added some sort of custom widget -- probably an HTML widget -- that references another widget it within it? If so, that'd presumably be the cause.

It's worth mentioning that the ID of the widget in the error message is one created by XF by default, but widgets aren't modified as part of the upgrade process. If anything, I'd guess this widget had been removed somehow (perhaps via a direct DB query) and the upgrade triggered a standard cache rebuild. You probably could recreate the widget with that ID (forum_overview_forum_statistics), though I don't know if you had modified its configuration in any way.

My production is up, I use dev. as subdomain for the dev area in order to migrate XF correctly without having to break my production.
You need an username and password in order to enter my dev area but I can provide if necessary...
Have you added some sort of custom widget -- probably an HTML widget -- that references another widget it within it? If so, that'd presumably be the cause

I removed all widgets, disabled all template modifications, this blank page issue is very weird...
I also do not see my header, footer, very weird...

I migrated from XF 2.09 to XF 2.1.12 using the One-click system without any technical issue but 2.1.12 to 2.22 nightmare...
The only thing I changed using chown is the group of some folders in order to migrate because I received "not all files are writable" but no issue after changing that part on the version 2.1.12...
It's displayed with the error message you quoted in the original post.

You mean this?

  • InvalidArgumentException: Template public PAGE_CONTAINER error: No widgets defined with forum_overview_forum_statistics widget_key
  • src/XF/SubContainer/Widget.php:80
  • Generated by: "my nickname"
  • Dec 2, 2020 at 9:44 AM
I'm not sure it comes from that widget because same issue on default theme.

Am I wrong?
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