Jon W
Well-known member
This might be as designed because it seems like it has been specifically left out, but if you have it set in Style Properties to show a user's registration date in their post bit, then guest posts will show a blank entry:
To fix, replace the following in the template message_user_info:
To fix, replace the following in the template message_user_info:
<xen:if is="@messageShowRegisterDate">
<dl class="pairsJustified">
<dt>{xen:phrase joined}:</dt>
<dd>{xen:date $user.register_date}</dd>
<xen:if is="@messageShowRegisterDate AND {$user.user_id}">
<dl class="pairsJustified">
<dt>{xen:phrase joined}:</dt>
<dd>{xen:date $user.register_date}</dd>