XF 2.1 Birthdays show up +6 hours ahead of time for CST users, even with timezone set to CST


I have a birthdays module on my forums. I don't think there are any birthdays for today, but one of my moderators is seeing birthdays 6 hours ahead of time. He has his timezone set to -06:00 Central Time, and even when he opens my forums in Private/Incognito it still shows the birthdays in GMT+00:00 time.

I had him check his settings and I asked if he was on a VPN. Is there any other way to debug the problem he's encountering?
As far as I can tell, the widget respects the current time, based on the timezone the user has set in their account preferences. (If they're trying as a guest, then it would use the guest timezone you set.)

Outside of the user's timezone setting, the only thing I could see being the cause is the server's time itself being incorrect.
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