Bill Me Later question

I am looking into buying XenForo, however, on my PayPal, I have BillMeLater set up where I can use it, however, I was wondering if you guys allow it because I get an error message each time. Thanks!
Yes as said, Bill Me Later is strictly on PayPal's side. It works basically just like a credit card. PayPal pays the company now and then bills you for payment later plus intrest and fees. As a merchant, there is no option not to accept it. If it errored, more then likely you were denied during the almost instant credit check PayPal does.
Yes as said, Bill Me Later is strictly on PayPal's side. It works basically just like a credit card. PayPal pays the company now and then bills you for payment later plus intrest and fees. As a merchant, there is no option not to accept it. If it errored, more then likely you were denied during the almost instant credit check PayPal does.

I was thinking that, however, BML already has me at a credit line of $500. And I got a email from them saying that I was approved.
I would try again, maybe the system was bonked or something for a bit then. If it still errors, if your already 500.00 approved I'd put a ticket in with PayPal. Also make sure your not on a VPN or Proxy too. Feel free to buy me one too for x-mas with that extra credit you have for all the help :D
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