Lack of interest Big emoji of the post in without text

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Because in if you allow to post a “single emoji reply” is what is expected (for example in whatsapp*) and it a bigger emoji.
I was expecting your “why?”... and my thought goes to the in-line emoji shortcut “:”. (y)

I simply think that display a bigger emoji in message with 1/2 emojis it’s a “standard” today.

*yes a forum it’s not an IM but in 2019 the differences/standards between forum/social networks and IM’s are every day more overlapped.
hehe. i have been looking for a css fix for this as well. native emoji on windows 10 appear quite small in xenforo. i personally would not mind if all emojis appear around 20% larger than their current size. it might just be possible for third party emoji as they might have a custom class 🤔 . native emojis seem complicated. would keep an eye on this thread.
You calling my suggestion :poop:!?!?!


Yeah, it's not great compared to it being automatic, but still gets a fair bit of use for common emoji.
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