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[bd] Anonymous Posting

Could you add an option to force anonymity in the next version?

Edit: Maybe just an option to keep the "Post Anonymously" box checked by default.

Edit edit: I added both of the options I just requested myself so no need to rush on my behalf ;)

The addon is working out very well though, thank you for your contribution to my site.
Do I have to reinstall this if I add a new forum (clarification: I mean a new forum node)? I created a new one specifically for this addon and it's not showing up in the options page.

Edit: Updating didn't fix it, do I actually have to remove it and reinstall it? Maybe this is something you could fix in the next version as well.
Do I have to reinstall this if I add a new forum? I created a new one specifically for this addon and it's not showing up in the options page.

Edit: Updating didn't fix it, do I actually have to remove it and reinstall it? Maybe this is something you could fix in the next version as well.
I am using the Anonymous posting addon, but it doesn't exactly do what I need it to do so I am modifying it a bit. It only gives you the option to post anonymously, I want forced anonymity, so I made the checkbox checked by default and now I would like to make it unclickable. Here is the code from one of the templates that creates the checkbox:

<xen:if is="{$anonymous_posting.hash}">
<!-- search-and-replace --><div class="submitUnit"><!-- search-and-replace -->
<label for="ctrl_anonymous_posting" title="{xen:phrase anonymous_posting_explain}">
    <input type="checkbox" name="anonymous_posting" value="{$anonymous_posting.hash}" checked="checked" id="ctrl_anonymous_posting" {xen:checked {$anonymous_posting.checked}}/>
    {xen:phrase anonymous_posting_post_this_as_anonymous_lite}

Could someone help me with what to do to make the box "grayed out" and unpressable?
Make the <input> tag type field: hidden, and set the value="1" to whatever it means when the checkbox is checked, like 1.
even with hidde and value="1" user would be able to change this via firebug & co;)

Only way to do this is on serverside!
You'll need to remove the checkbox and modify the add-on code
even with hidde and value="1" user would be able to change this via firebug & co;)

Only way to do this is on serverside!
You'll need to remove the checkbox and modify the add-on code
I know, I did not want to complicate it.
Yeah I don't understand the point of a poster hash if it is going to be sent client-side, but whatever lol. Thanks.

Edit: What I did was change this line in anonymous_posting_checkbox underneath this:
<label for="ctrl_anonymous_posting">
to this:
<input type="hidden" name="anonymous_posting" value="{$anonymous_posting.hash}" checked="checked" id="ctrl_anonymous_posting" {xen:checked {$anonymous_posting.checked}} />

and then again in the anonymous_posting_checkbox_lite template. After that I changed the explanation language a bit and now it works great. I now have one board on my forum that is 100% forced anonymous.

I did this because a lot of my users were posting in the board without using anonymous posting complaining that we were trying to turn EDF into 4chan, which isn't true. I just wanted to see what kinds of conversation we would get if all that mattered was the words in the posts, and not the user, their likes, join date or whatever other "status" thay have. Since I changed it to forced anon the complaints have all but ceased. Thanks a lot for the help guys.
Hi - On 1 forum section the Quick reply is fine!

Screen shot 2011-11-22 at 22.16.30.webp
But Full Reply box show's the Post this "anonymously" option. It should Not display this option + this forum section is NOT showing in the Adim control panel.
Screen shot 2011-11-22 at 22.17.11.webp
ALL other forum sections work and function perfectly, only this one doesn't.

This Forum section is connected to this add-on:


Please help as I don't want the anonymous option in this section, nor does it give any option in the Admin area as this Forum section is not even showing with all the other forums in: /admin.php?options/list/discussionOptions
The above issue was solved by making the directory forum visible, and then turning this option off (or on, or something?), and then making the directory forum invisible again

It's not possible to turn this option on/off for invisible forums (I think this will be a rare scenario, and I've been told the work around is satisfactory)
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