XF 2.0 BBCode to HTML in PHP


Well-known member

I would like in my PHP code to render the template by parsing every BBcode to it's equivalent in HTML.

How can I do that ?

Best regards :)
In a template, you just use the bb_code function. This is how it's done for posts:
{{ bb_code($post.message, 'post', $post) }}
$formatter = \XF::app()->stringFormatter();
$html = $formatter->replaceSmiliesHtml(':)');
$formatter = \XF::app()->stringFormatter();
$html = $formatter->replaceSmiliesHtml(':)');
Hi Jeremy :)

I guess I do not know this job :)

$reply->getParams('thread')['posts']; Get All Thread Post..

But Clear text. Not HTML..

How to get HTML Post List??

Please help me :D 3 I could not make the day, so I could not get answers.
\XF\Mvc\Reply\AbstractReply $reply


"message" => """

lorem ipsum dolor sid [URL='http://localhost']amed [/URL] lorem ipsum dolor sid amed.\n

@Jeremy P
Oh, my answer was only about rendering smilies. For converting a given post from BBCode to HTML:
$html = \XF::app()->bbCode()->render(
Oh, my answer was only about rendering smilies. For converting a given post from BBCode to HTML:
$html = \XF::app()->bbCode()->render(
Can use I it here?

function public threadControllerPostDispatch(\XF\Mvc\Dispatcher $dispatcher, &$content, \XF\Mvc\Reply\AbstractReply $reply, \XF\Mvc\Renderer\AbstractRenderer $renderer, \XF\Http\Response $response)
Hi Jeremy again..

i using :

using $reply->getParams('thread')['posts'];

But BBCode not rendering..

I have to do this after the BBcode Renderer is done.
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What are you trying to accomplish? The template/macro that renders posts is expecting the post to be in BBCode markup during evaluation. You can't convert it or make HTML changes during the controller life-cycle because that runs prior to the template evaluation.
What are you trying to accomplish? The template/macro that renders posts is expecting the post to be in BBCode markup during evaluation. You can't convert it or make HTML changes during the controller life-cycle because that runs prior to the template evaluation.
How can I run it afterwards?
I want to process the rendered reply.
Write a custom callback method or template function that does whatever you need, and wrap the bb_code() call in the post macros template with it.
Add a templater_setup event listener with a callback method:

public static function templaterSetup(
    \XF\Container $container,
    \XF\Template\Templater &$templater
) {
    $templater->addFunction('foo_bar', function (
    ) {
        $escape = false;

        // do whatever with $html

        return $html;

Then you can wrap any bb_code() function calls in templates to make the HTML changes you need:
{{ foo_bar(bb_code($post.message, 'post', $post)) }}
Then you can wrap any bb_code() function calls in templates to make the HTML changes you need:
Is it possible to add a function that are called without the need to add it to the template?
I am trying alter the $post just before it is rendered for the display.
If you're trying to alter the message in HTML form, no. The template expects to receive it in BBCode form.
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