XF 2.0 Basic Addon Help Please


Hello all,

Please excuse that I am a complete novice when it comes to Xenforo, I am also an average coder as my forum is my hobby and in normal day to day life I run a small business of electricians and AV installers. I am also 40 and not in my prime for learning (but your never to old to learn :))

I do understand the basics, and I can read the code and understand it (the majority of times).

I do not have the skill to write code directly apart from IF'S, Variables, operators, etc. I normally find in the php manual or google the code I am looking for and modify it to my needs.

Note: I have read the development manual maybe 3 times, very good manual by the way! And I am feeling a lot more confident, however, I have a few queries.

The Scenario:
I am trying to port a few of my small modifications from vBulletin to Xenforo 2, these are quite simple mods that used to just have one page of code and a template association. I would like my modifications to have pages like index.php?micksmodifaction (example)

Where I have got to:
* I used the cmd.php file to create my addon and I understand the versioning etc.
* Now I have a json file and I advanced it to have description and a icon.
* There is also a setup file, as there is no mysql in this addon not sure if I need much here or not (but I understand that this file will upgrade, install, or delete my addon.
* I understand I need to create a route in the development tools area of the admin area
* The prefix will be the part that represents the micksmodification part of the URL after index.php?
* Section context in the route (see below this I am confused) will be 1????

What I need help with:

* With regards to the main code that makes my old modifications work do these go in the controller files or entities or both.
* DO I have to convert my code into Classes and functions to work.
* Can you just make a file in say /Pub/micksmodification.php and then run it from there.
* What is the section context in the routing section of the development tools (I could not grasp the manuals interpretation)

Part of the Code:
//$fileTypes = array('.zip', '.xml', '.');
$myFile = $_FILES["myFile"];

if (!empty($_FILES["myFile"])) {

if (!preg_match("/\.(zip|xml|ipk|tar.gz|txt)$/", $myFile["name"])){

    $notzip = "<p>This file is not a ZIP / XML / IPK / TAR.GZ or you did not choose a file,   please choose a zip, xml, tar.gz or ipk file only - all other files will not upload</p>"; 

} else {

    if ($myFile["error"] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
    $errorwrong = "<p>An error occurred.</p>";
    if ($myFile["size"] > 2000000) {
    $errorwrong = "<p>file is bigger than 20mb please give Mick a PM to increase this if needed.</p>";
    // ensure a safe filename
    $name = preg_replace("/[^A-Z0-9._-]/i", "_", $myFile["name"]);
    $name_dir = $new_upload_dir.$name;

    // preserve file from temporary directory
    $success = move_uploaded_file($myFile["tmp_name"], $name_dir);
    if (!$success) {
    $workornot = "<p>Unable to save file please try again etc.</p>";
    } else {

     // set proper permissions on the new file
    chmod($name_dir.$name, 0644);
    $congratz = 'Congratulations the file was successfully uploaded';

Thank you for any help you can give me, I am trying :)...

There is also a setup file, as there is no mysql in this addon not sure if I need much here or not (but I understand that this file will upgrade, install, or delete my addon.

If you don't need to do anything extra for the add-on to work (such as creating tables), you don't need a Setup.php file.

With regards to the main code that makes my old modifications work do these go in the controller files or entities or both.

Probably controllers - they control what is done when the page loads, including returning the response (such as a view, or a redirect etc.)

DO I have to convert my code into Classes and functions to work.

Yes. All XF code is class-based, and the class fields require classes.

Can you just make a file in say /Pub/micksmodification.php and then run it from there.

Nope. It has to be a properly named class, with the proper directory and namespace structure - this is how the autoloader finds the file.

What is the section context in the routing section of the development tools (I could not grasp the manuals interpretation)

That's used to activate the correct tab in the navigation bar when your route is navigated to.

Thank you Liam,

Regarding the navigation point (section context) eventually I would like to have a navigation tab that says tools (like the resource and gallery tabs).
Then have all my mini mods under that umbrella.

Would that need an addon created for that operation, or is there somewhere to make tabs in the admin?

Thank you Liam.

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