Automatically unfollow people who get banned

Stuart Wright

Well-known member
Just a minor one. When a member gets banned, could they be unfollowed from all other member's accounts?
They are almost certainly removed when deleted.
I noticed that I'm following a bunch of banned members because I follow suspicious members. They have then got banned. Why am I still following them? They should have been automatically unfollowed when banned.
Upvote 18
Seems like a good idea. My members don't really use the "social" features like following much, but I can see this mattering on a site with more of that sort of activity like the writing sites I am on where people follow writers to know when new stories go up.
A permanent ban also isn't permanent - it can be lifted.
It is permanent in the sense that absent mod action, they stay banned. Which is usually going to be the case for permabanned people (I can think of only one that we have let back on in 10 years of operation). Versus a temporary one that will go away once the scheduled time period expires.
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