Automatical Merge Threads With The Same Title

Automatical Merge Threads With The Same Title 1.0.2

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Nobita.Kun submitted a new resource:

Automatical Merge Threads With The Same Title - Automatical merge threads with the same title into existing thread.

Description: Automatical merge threads with the same title into existing thread.
When posting new thread in forum A (example) so this will searching similar thread with extract title and merge into existing thread.
This only checking on the same forum (forum A in example).
This only checking with same title: Example existing thread title:
"Auto merged" so all new thread have title "Auto merged" will merged into thread "Auto merged" :)
  • Go to edit forum and enaled...

Read more about this resource...
PS. It will only affect new threads right?
Yep! Open this file: Nobita_AutomaticalMerge_Model_Thread
return $this->_getDb()->fetchRow('
            SELECT *
            FROM xf_thread
            WHERE title = ' . $this->_getDb()->quote($title) . '
                AND node_id = ' . $this->_getDb()->quote($nodeId) . '
                AND discussion_state = \'visible\'
                AND discussion_type <> \'redirect\'
            ORDER BY post_date ASC
Replace by:
return $this->_getDb()->fetchRow('
            SELECT *
            FROM xf_thread
            WHERE title = ' . $this->_getDb()->quote($title) . '
                AND discussion_state = \'visible\'
                AND discussion_type <> \'redirect\'
            ORDER BY post_date ASC
So the thread title has to be Exactly the same? so if sombody posts.. How to find xbox online.. and sombody else posts.. How to look for xbox online

it wont merge?
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