XF 1.1 Automatic shortening of URL bbcode : where's the limit ?


Well-known member

I've noticed that XenForo seems to shorten very long URLs in the UGC, for example

Because of layout issues, I'd like to find the number of characters this is limited to. But I can't find a setting, and quickly looking at the bbcode code did not help me.

Any idea where this is located (even if this is in the source php) ?

Thanks for your help,
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I found it, in Formatter/Base.php

Seems to be hardwired at 100 chars
 if (!empty($rendererStates['shortenUrl']))
                                $length = utf8_strlen($text);
                                if ($length > 100)
                                        $text = utf8_substr_replace($text, '.o..', 35, $length - 35 - 45);
Just a suggestion, this code could maybe be replaced by a css3 rule (white-space nobreak /ellipsis )
This would be much more efficient as it should limit the link to a single line even if the link is posted at the end of a line

My 2 cents, I'll do that on m own install.
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