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Auto Database Backup Script 1.0

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MattW submitted a new resource:

Auto Database Backup Script (version 1.0) - Export and Upload your Database to Offsite location with Cron

These are 2 scripts I wrote to automate the nightly backup of my databases and upload them to a remote location via FTP.

There is a bash script that you call from cron at a time of your choice. This uses mysqldump to make a copy of your database, compress is using pbzip2 (adjust to bzip2 or gzip if you don't have pbzip2 installed), and then calls the script to upload the file via FTP to the remote site (keeping 5 rolling days worth of...

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Restoring is going via phpMyadmin or something else?
If you need to restore it, I copy the remote backup back onto the server, uncompress it, and load the in via command line
mysql -u USERNAME -p DATABASE < backupfile.sql
Can you also support uploading to Amazon S3 as well in your script?
Slavik posted his script before.
Having a look at that, the only real difference between mine and Slavik's is that I have my own perl script to upload to my remote sites via FTP, where his is calling the java client to support S3. I've never used S3, but all you'd do is change my script to remove the reference, and put the below in.

java -jar /var/glacieruploader.jar --endpoint --vault vaultname --upload /var/backup/$suffix.tar
You can build that in using OpenSSL. I used to do that:

# Encrypt Files using AES256
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in $DIR/z22seforum.$(/bin/date +%Y-%m-%d).sql.bz2 -out $DIR/z22seforum.$(/bin/date +%Y-%m-%d).sql.bz2.aes256 -pass pass:$ENCPASS
You can use curl for FTP uploads:
curl -T /path/to/some.sql.gz.gpg --user backups:areawesome

The day may change during the execution of the script causing it to fail. Would only likely happen if executed near midnight.
You can build that in using OpenSSL. I used to do that:

# Encrypt Files using AES256
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in $DIR/z22seforum.$(/bin/date +%Y-%m-%d).sql.bz2 -out $DIR/z22seforum.$(/bin/date +%Y-%m-%d).sql.bz2.aes256 -pass pass:$ENCPASS
Although AES is probably faster, I'd recommend GPG:
gpg --encrypt -o /path/to/some.sql.gz.gpg --recipient "Example Website (Database Backup) <>" /path/to/some.sql.gz
This will encrypt some.sql.gz with's public key and save it as some.sql.gz.gpg, which means at this point nobody else can decrypt it but the holder of the corresponding private key.
MattW submitted a new resource:

Auto Database Backup Script (version 1.0) - Export and Upload your Database to Offsite location with Cron

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Hi Matt,

I am wondering if this script is also doing a backup of the Files (for backing up Avatar-images and Forum-attachments / RM attachments, etc.) ?

Is there a chance to include the code mentioned by Brogan ?

Many thanks!

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I've replied in the other thread with a better way of backing up if you have access to rsync.

If you wanted to back up the directories and upload via FTP using these two scripts.

In the script, just add the instructions @Brogan posted
#Zip Data Directory 
/bin/tar -czf $DIR/data_$(date +%d.%m.%y).tar.gz /path/to/data 
#Zip Internal Data Directory 
/bin/tar -czf $DIR/internal_data_$(date +%d.%m.%y).tar.gz /path/to/internal_data

You would then include the new data_$(date +%d.%m.%y).tar.gz and internal_data_$(date +%d.%m.%y).tar.gz files into the script, by adding them to the array of files to be uploaded/deleted.

Then at the end of the script, add the command to remove the files when you are done with them

# Remove the database file now we are done
rm $DIR/*.$(/bin/date +%Y-%m-%d).sql.bz2
rm $DIR/internal_data_$(date +%d.%m.%y).tar.gz
rm $DIR/data_$(date +%d.%m.%y).tar.gz
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