Aurora - [Deleted]

Long time no see ... sorry for that ... expecting a new addition to the family now and time is not as abundant as it used to be (even though abundant is quite an overstatement before). Anyway ... cant promise anything in the next few weeks but when I do have the time I will try to see what it will take to get this updated.
Hi everyone, I admit that I might be blind, but I can't seem to find any documentation about how to change the default avatars that are currently being assigned to users based on gender. I'd rather just give users a randomly generated avatar, or upload a pack for them to choose from. Any advice?

Hi everybody,

I've got this problem:
Colors does not appear...
I search in user_banners.css but I don't know how to fix this :(...
Can somebody help me? :D
Hi guys,

As you have noticed I have been away for quite some time now and the Aurora theme has suffered due to the lack of support and "love". Since the idea I had for it was to be a good and well supported theme I decided to part ways with the ownership of it so that someone who has the time can now support it and benefit from that accordingly.

Thank you all for the support. I am pretty sure eventually I will be back with another theme once things get settled with my newborn & family.

I will try to update all sources/links etc accordingly as soon as I can. Mike will soon update the resource center etc.

Thanks again.
It's a shame that this theme will go from being free to a paid for.

I used this on VB, and for a free theme it was as good as a paid for.
It looks as though a post mentioning greed has been deleted.

I just wonder how all those who were/are using this as a free theme feel now that they will have to pay for upgrades.
I just wonder how all those who were/are using this as a free theme feel now that they will have to pay for upgrades.

Well there has been no upgrades on Aurora since 2012 so it was hardly up to date in any case and to get it working in 1.4.## took a bit of work on the users end...
But generally things that are free in life, more so on the web , come at a high price... ( Not that I am saying they will charge a high price )

Good luck to them and I for one am glad someone has taken it on and prepared to keep it updated..

It's an investment, I bought this style and I intend to spend many hours to update and add my framework. You will not be disappointed with the result!
It's been out there as free theme for far too long, and I think I am right in saying that it's not just available on XF, I know yu can get it for VB4, so whats to stop someone actually porting it to XF, and other forums with the updates in place, and not charge a penny for it, all they have to do is change the name slightly, and the "investor" hasn't got an investment.

I would hazard a guess that most people when looking for a theme Google "free themes first".
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