Articles with xenForo?


New member
I'm playing with the forum demo, and I'm quite intrigued.

Here my question: I would like to publish some articles (i.e. tutorials) containing photos and text with a decent layout, it is possible with xenForo?

As I can see, the only place where I can post something like that is under the Resources menu, unfortunately the text editor seems quite poor for that purposes. For example, no horizontal ruler is available, also is not possible to divide the article in "pages".
Is available some more advanced text editor? Maybe an add-on? Or there is some work-around?

Thanks for the answer.
But I am not able so heavily customize AMS for my home page. So how else can I get such style as you have made?

Russ will only customise the AMS if you use his themes. He made that very clear when I contacted him. As for Hemant, i was told by Bob he does not have a licence to be making any customisations for any client. Choose wisely.
Definitely AMS at

Honestly, I don't suggest Bob's add-ons.
They do not have all the functionality of the case, the version for Xenforo 2.x has lost many features compared to the version for 1.x and he is generally very rude to anyone who asks for assistance and news about the release of new versions.
I'm making a new version of article management system.
@Bob and @Xon are among the top developers here who can code large complex addons at the highest standards. . I have asked Bob silly questions many times and he has given me the most detailed answers with more than 1 way to achieve what I want. His addons are top notch. Yes, he is pretty direct and may sometimes appear rude(like an earnest teacher) when he over-explains. But thats just him being direct and eager to help. His support is top notch, I really mean this!
Russ will only customise the AMS if you use his themes. He made that very clear when I contacted him.
Can't blame him really, even though it is not ideal for everyone, it would not be fun for him working with someone elses styles.

As for Hemant, i was told by Bob he does not have a licence to be making any customisations for any client. Choose wisely.
Good to know, not the first time something like this has come about.
Just FYI, Bob is a nice guy. Very helpful. I would definitely recommend his AMS add-on. Do not let one person's opinion put you off. GL with whatever you choose to do!

AMS in action with styling customization:

If you are going to link to your home button, why not just use articles/ as your index. It gets a little confusing when the root of your domain leads to the forums but your home button links to the articles.
That was what I was initially going to do but waiting till I populate the articles page. Landing on a page with 3 articles only is not a good look.
I was actually looking at your site via the Forum Reviews forum yesterday and had the same basic thought as the others above. Great site and layout. I think you'd be better off landing on your articles page in any case - even with only 3 articles. honestly, even when you have 100 articles, you'll probably want some dynamic elements on your landing page. maybe add a Welcome article or module or something, along with featured threads or something from your forum, which gives you editorial control and a vehicle for steady updates, to give your landing page purpose for new users as well as returning.
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