Array from callback to template


Well-known member
Hello, dear friends of this nice software.

Something is getting really lame here with v1.4:

I need to receive data from a callback function.

Within my method, I fill an array with data. before returning my array, I write it into my logfile to get sure the data gets populated.

Output in my logfile:

2014-12-27 18:22:03 ADDIDTIONALDATA: Array
    [key_1] => 01.01.2015
    [key_2] => error_successful
    [key_3] => bugware

Then, in my template, on

{xen:helper dump, {$additional_data}}

I receive

string(23) "

looks like my brave array has been casted to a string? wtf!

and I can't access data with


which has been defined earlier:

<xen:set var="$additional_data">
                           <xen:callback class="Bugware_TemplateTools_ThreadHelper" method="getAdditionalData" params="{xen:array 'custom_fields={$thread.custom_fields}'}" />

Any ideas? I'm really sick of wasting time with absolutely basic functions like array output within a template :censored:

Thank you.
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How have you made the array param available to the template?

It might be better if you post the relevant segment of PHP code.
Hello Brogan,

here is the code:

public static function getAdditionalData(){
    $params = func_get_arg(1);
    $custom_fields = unserialize($params['custom_fields']);

    $additional_data = array();

    if(array_key_exists('key_1', $custom_fields)){
        $additional_data['key_1'] = $custom_fields['key_1'];

    if(array_key_exists('key_2', $custom_fields)){
        $additional_data['key_2'] = $custom_fields['key_2'];

    if(array_key_exists('key_3', $custom_fields)){
        $additional_data['key_3'] = $custom_fields['key_3'];

    if(array_key_exists('key_7', $custom_fields)){
        $additional_data['key_7'] = $custom_fields['key_7'];

    XenForo_Helper_File::log('bugware', 'ADDIDTIONALDATA: ' . print_r($additional_data, true), true);

    return $additional_data;

Thank you.
Looks like you will have to do things a little differently in order to achieve what you want.
I'm not sure what your end result is within the template but why not use the PHP function to save your custom fields and then return HTML created using your array values.
Bear in mind a callback tag can return a template with view parameters which support arrays, e.g.

        $viewParams = array(
            'additional_data' => $additional_data

        return $template->create('your_template_name', $viewParams);

That might help.
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