XF 2.1 Are User Promotions instant?


Well-known member
Seem to be waiting for ages!

I have User has posted at least X messages: 5 as value. I am assuming this means if the user reaches 5 posts or more, he/she will promote?
It's done via cron every 20 minutes.

However, that only applies to recently active members.

Others will be upgraded the next time they log in, or you can run the rebuild task.
No matter how often you run the cron, the cron will only promote members who have been active in the last 2 hours. If you want to promote all users manually, you can use the tool:

Control panel > Tools > Rebuild caches > Rebuild user group promotions
Thank you! I found the underlying issue!
@Brogan A suggestion:

It took me about 1 hour to find this post to explain what was happening :D

It might make sense to add some text to the Promotion UI, explaining that "Only recent logged in members will be upgraded." To upgrade all users run "Control panel > Tools > Rebuild caches > Rebuild user group promotions".
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