XF 2.0 Apache2 redirect not working at all... :( help...

Hey guys, I recently had my forums hosted off my dedicated server but just for security and for the sake of having the forums on a different machine just in case something were to happen to our game server. our website will still be online. Here is what I done in clear steps...

I started off by backing up everything in my /var/www/html directory... Once that was backed up. I went to phpmyadmin and backed up all the databases... Once that was done i went through triple checked everything and started to move everything over to the new server.

Everything went so well. I installed apache2 and enabled the rewrite engine as the root user... I installed a few php extensions. Then gave the correct permissions to the xenforo folders that i uploaded from the old machine... then i went into the phpmyadmin and imported my old database after making a few tiny tweaks to the php.ini file so i can upload more than a certain amount because it was restricted.

After this... My site kept redirecting me to my old page but that was to be expected. So I went into the admin panel and changed it to the IPv4 address and it worked just fine. all the pages came up except from https://example.com/pages/vote - which is where my players go to vote on our minecraft servers.. So that didn't work... so i was like hmmm is friendly url's enabled? so i went ahead and checked and it was... so i turned it off and it didn't work... I turned it back on and nope still nothing. I restarted apache2's service and rebooted the machine. nope still nothing...

I then went ahead and done another installation because i thought I may of messed up but it all lead me to the same place. I was thinking... Hmmm is the .htaccess file not being read or something. But everything i had done to make sure it was working proved to me that it was. Our site is using cloudflares DNS and goes through them before you end up on our site.

I also went to our members and forums pages when the friendly url's was enabled and they didn't even exist anymore :( but when i turned it off... it redirected just fine... but /pages/vote was still broken :(

I checked to see if that was restricting permissions or something or maybe it was redirecting to the old machine... but no it's not. It's all updated I can't see any errors or anything. Honestly... I'm super confused and I no longer know what to do.

Any and all help would be amazing <3
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