Anyone heard of or used Fliphost?

Chris D

XenForo developer
Staff member
We were moaning in public on Twitter today about how shoddy our current host is (Heart Internet VPS - I'd recommend avoiding) and we were approached by a company called FlipHost ( who are offering a good package at a good price.

Anyone heard of them? Anyone used them?
Looks like a pretty standard reseller-type hosting to me.

Their site doesn't fill me with confidence either.

Id go with a linode or a more well established host personally..
Cost is an issue, unfortunately :(

And they have offered a bargain... main cause for the being weary, actually...
How big is your site and what are your requirements and budget? That might help us point you in the right direction.
How big is your site and what are your requirements and budget? That might help us point you in the right direction.
I'm not really in need of that kind of assistance.

I'm just asking specifically about this particular host.
FlipHost from what I found from researching poking around and asking questions seems to be a one man show type of host. Not an actual large company. They have no reputation to stand on yet.
My impression: New host, using a pre-made theme... sorry, but no from me...
From personal experience, for shared: (using for 1 year, no downtime); for vps: (using for 2 years, no downtime)
If you want to go cheap with good support, you can use DreamHost.

If you want to spend a little money and have excellent support, you can use WiredTree.
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