Anyone Have A Good Source For Animated Smilies?

The Grand Potentate

Well-known member
I've been hunting the net for the past few hours trying to track down some of the old vB animated smilies, and some of the new ones they use on SD. Anyone have a good site to find some of these, or even the actual smilies that they might be willing to share? I know we've gone full PNG here at Xenforo, but I miss my :bounce2: and :woot:

believe me, I tried. not easy to narrow down a smiley search, especially when different boards have different names for them.

I have collected lots of smilies over the last 13 years, including many that were used on old vB forums. Here is a zip of my smilies.

Thanks Jake, I appreciate it. I'll check them out.

Here's a good site i see people always recommending.

Now THAT looks useful. Thanks for the link.
believe me, I tried. not easy to narrow down a smiley search, especially when different boards have different names for them.

Thanks Jake, I appreciate it. I'll check them out.

Now THAT looks useful. Thanks for the link.

Links before your post have been posted. Your sure to find animated smilies in those links if by the offchance the ones Jake Bunce posted aren't to your preference.
Links before your post have been posted. Your sure to find animated smilies in those links if by the offchance the ones Jake Bunce posted aren't to your preference.

I was able to find a few scattered about. Found a couple on Photobucket, oddly enough. But I couldn't really find a good repository. A few more sites like the one you posted and I'll be setup for life.
I was able to find a few scattered about. Found a couple on Photobucket, oddly enough. But I couldn't really find a good repository. A few more sites like the one you posted and I'll be setup for life.

Actually photobucket is prity good for smilies I should have remembered that one. :P

If i remember more sites (I used to have a good list) I'll post them.
Another recommendation for I've recently moved my forums to Xenforo from phpBB and wanted something similar but better and this site provided that. I used Aiwan's Big Koloboks for most of mine as I liked the styling. A couple were also sourced from elsewhere. Aiwan's Midi Koloboks are also good, they are slightly smaller and have a larger selection of smilies.
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