Any interest in League of Legends stats integration?

I'm interested in something like this, but I'd like the information displayed on the user's profile so their summoner stats are easily viewable. A sortable list like what you have would also be cool to have.
I created something similar from scratch in straight php if you are interested in taking a look (didn't do front end stuff yet just data handling). It needs a little work but every bit of data is cached and the only thing one needs is php, and a key.

It handles runes, spells, items and everything else and will update all values of the system automatically when LoL updates. Player/team histories are stored as cached files and in mysql and a process checks the cache to see if updates to user/team/game stats are available, if it is data is taken from the cache and added to the DB.

My example directory is ip protected so if you would like to take a look start a convo and gimme an ip to allow.
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