Any good news? Please help to stop rumors...

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I feel this is just a waste of time to try to make you understand my point, so I refrain from commenting the obivious on point 2. Besides using of Caps is rather aggresive... (my point so feel free to disagree)
You're right. It is a waste of everyone's time and only time will tell.
I heard 2.0 is imminent! Forumcon, here we come!

Then again, how do you think they picked the name Forum CON?
Please help stop rumors ?
Please help stop this thread !!!
don't worry, it'll get locked soon enough
it seems people can't help but speculate and argue on issues outside of their control :rolleyes:
I really can't believe people are complaining so much when we're just updated a month ago that progress hasn't stopped.

I use several scripts and applications, do you think I cry and moan because I haven't seen an update in a month.. No.. I'm happy the apps are working as they should, I've gotten what I've paid for, and upgrades are just icing on the cake.

Time for the adults to grow up and stop acting like kids, you don't deserve to have your hand held every step of the way.
umm looks like what would happen if vb and xenforo had a kid.

Don't hate it... just don't like t all that much either
For those interested in vB 5, now called vBulletin Connect, you can check out their Facebook page, and you can read this article which came out right before vB took the platform.

Looks and sounds identical to Xenforo. I already thought to myself "wow that looks good maybe I should go back" and then it hit me - I'm falling into the trap. Of course that's the response they want from Xenforo customers. However I am starting to wonder if this now puts us behind the curve. A lot of my members don't like Xen because no one else uses it (a null subject to me) however....they'll like this. I'm not sure what to say on it.
I'm thinking the same.

To me it reads and looks like IPB with more bloat.
The colours, nav bar and side bar etc do but to me it just looks like vb4 with a new skin.

The new functions will be interesting to see because from those screenshots, the new theme looks quite average. It's looks more modern than the current vb4 skin but they could round off some corners and make the borders smaller.

The site builder looks like it has a scrollable menu which I think is pretty ancient to have on new software nowadays. The activity stream just looks cluttered and the profile customisation is almost a complete carbon copy of YouTube's. All-in-all nothing that would make me want to buy it.
For those interested in vB 5, now called vBulletin Connect, you can check out their Facebook page, and you can read this article which came out right before vB took the platform.


Perhaps I'm missing something but how does it resemble XenForo in any way at all?

That's because their isn't anything that resembles XenForo, Cal is obviously not paying attention...
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