Animate change of mainContent margin-right


Well-known member
Hi people of XF..

I have a question, i'm trying to make a button for "hide" the sidebar.. the sidebar are hidden but the margin-right of the mainContent class is "260px".. i can change that with javascript but i need a animation for that..

with jQuery animate i try but i can do it because first i'm noob in js and i can change the margin-right because are in a "class"..

How i can makeit?

I have that:

  $(document).ready(function() {

$(ocultar).click(function () {
      $(sidebar).hide("slide", { direction: "right" }, 1000);
    margin-Right: "0"
  }, 1500 );
"ocultar" is a div with the button.

the sidebar slide for hide with animation but the mainContent margin-Right no :(
I now delete the class on sidebar.css and on pagecontainer add
#mainContent {
margin-right: 260px;

and i added id on div..

and my javascript code is that:

$(document).ready(function() {

$(ocultar).click(function () {
$("#mainContent").animate({ "margin-rigth": "0px"}, 800);

but nothing :S
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