XF 2.2 An error occurred while connecting with Linkedin. Please try again later.


Well-known member
I have set up LinkedIn connected accounts as per the instructions. I have friendly URL enabled. I even added www non www and http and https to the Auth2.0

Yet the connection fails: An error occurred while connecting with Linkedin. Please try again later.

The sign in with linked is different from the XF instructions as it is now

Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenID Connect​


Looks like scopes are not right in the API application settings.
Those settings would be in your LinkedIn app API settings... odds are you have not given adequate permissions to the app.
I personally don't use them as I don't want to jump through their hoops of creating a page, associating some accounts I follow and all their other hoopla to simply let users join my site using their LinkedIn credentials. LinkedIn really needs to work on reducing the crap they require.
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So the only scopes available without additional LinkedIn authorisation is openid is it not possible to enable this without r_liteprofile?

The guide from xenforo is too limited.
The "guide" would change regularly... for a while with FB, VERY regularly. It's entirely dependent upon what that "authorizing" service requires to allow access to their users account info... not upon XenForo. All XenForo does is say "we need these pieces of information".... what hoops you have to jump through to get them is ultimately up to FB/Twitter/LinkedIn/Microsoft, etc. It seems that LinkedIn has the most convoluted of the ones that I have messed with.
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