XF 1.5 allow signature to show on all screen sizes


please i need to configure my xenforo software such that signature can show for smaller screen sizes. i have discovered that signature only shows on desktop and tablet. I want to be able to show signature on smaller mobile devices and all screen sizes generally.

And please, i want to do same for the share link that appears on all threads and comments (e.g #1, #2, #3, etc)
That's not the same as the original question.

Here you go.
This thread is for Xenforo 1.5.x and not for 2.x ;)

For me at Xenforo 1.5.24 in EXTRA.CSS this work:
/* Signatur auch Mobile */
<xen:if is="@enableResponsive">
    @media (max-width: 480px)
            .Responsive .message .signature { display: block !important; }

At a similar way you can set that only specific user groups can see this at mobile view i think. :)
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