Allow shared albums in categories


Well-known member
i am just realizing one limitation here, so heres hoping it can improve.

it seems as of now, the only way to have a shared album, is to create a 'personal album'....which is not able to be placed into any 'public' category.....

we are trying to force content to be placed in the appropriate title sections for easier search indexing and use for members....

if members wish to do a collaborative album which is also very topical......they dont really have an option except to go build their own island......then we get a bunch of little islands that are uncategorized, with no option to seems like a big limitation....

it can be common for some members to wish to allow others to share media in a topical container, while still remaining a 'public' album viewable by all members.....this would be a good thing to support right???

the view permissions are fine basically, its good to leave up to members the choice....however there is no option to create a collab album that all members can see...AND is placed in the main gallery categories....if a member wishes for that...

any chance we can get another option in here?
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on a side note i just noticed another suggestion.....when creating a personal have an option to select who can view.....but to edit who can upload, you need to create the album, then nav to the main album page, then change the setting manually from there......its more hassle and confusion than if it was included in the album creation prompt with the other settings that are properly there...

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