XF 1.4 Alert/MP auto refresh on index page to view bubbles


Well-known member
Hello all,

Is there a way or add-on "if yes, which one?" to auto-refresh the index page to show alerts/PM bubbles?

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Yes, please elaborate on what you wish to accomplish. I have no idea what it is you're asking or trying to ask.

LOL guys, I'm sorry.
I have no idea why I wrote "bulls"...

In fact, I wanted to say this => Bubble.
You know, the bubble you can see when a private message arrives or an alert when someone quotes you or reply in a thread you follow,...

PS: I have corrected. Thanks for the remark. ;)

That makes more sense :)

There's at least three of these add-ons that work very similarly. Here's one I wrote, but have a search around for some others that may be suitable:


That will periodically check for new messages, and alerts, and if it finds any, it will update the alert/conversation bulls (bubbles ;) ) and also display the count in the title of the browser tab or optionally as a red icon appearing over your favicon.

It works on any page, not just the index page.
That makes more sense :)

There's at least three of these add-ons that work very similarly. Here's one I wrote, but have a search around for some others that may be suitable:


That will periodically check for new messages, and alerts, and if it finds any, it will update the alert/conversation bulls (bubbles ;) ) and also display the count in the title of the browser tab or optionally as a red icon appearing over your favicon.

It works on any page, not just the index page.

I already have your add-on but nothing happens when a message arrives, I mean, when someone sends me a message, no bulls appears even with the delay set to 10 seconds.
Is this normal or must I do something to apply the add-on on alert/PM instead favicon?
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