Fixed Advanced Search page / Keywords field positioning inconsistency


Well-known member

"Search Everything", "Search Threads and Posts", and "Search Resources" all have the "Keywords" text field show in an identical fashion.

Clicking "Search Profile Posts" looks much more attractive in its vertical positioning, perhaps the other 3 can be made to match that. Either way, I'd like to see all 4 be identical.
Setting margin-top to 0 for .ctrlUnit dd>*>li resolves it, but I'm not sure if that affects anywhere else.
To me, margin-top: 0 actually looks off. However, it does affect elsewhere - look at the radio to select an order by.

However, I think this selector sorts it:
.ctrlUnit dd > * > li:first-child > .textCtrl:first-child
    margin-top: -3px;
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