Advanced Application Forms for XenForo 1.x [Deleted]

How long is support good for? I purchased 1.1.4 and would like to be updated to 1.1.6. I checked my paypal account and could send you an email from it, but the link you describe isn't visible.

"Those that have purchased this mod, please check your PayPal email for the download link."

For 1.1.6 you mention running the install script to be updated... would that be Snog/Applications/Install.php? If so, I'm not sure why I can't access that on the front-end...
How long is support good for? I purchased 1.1.4 and would like to be updated to 1.1.6. I checked my paypal account and could send you an email from it, but the link you describe isn't visible.

"Those that have purchased this mod, please check your PayPal email for the download link."

For 1.1.6 you mention running the install script to be updated... would that be Snog/Applications/Install.php? If so, I'm not sure why I can't access that on the front-end...
I'll re-send the email for you.

Be sure to read the readme.txt file for installation instructions.

And check your PCs for a message from me.
Hi Snog,

Firstly, absolutely LOVE this script! Thank you! Had a quick question.

The license says:
You are allowed to run this package on one server, provided you have
purchased the package...

Can you use it on multiple forums (I have 2) as long as they are on the same server (i.e. the "one server", or is it intended to mean that it can be used on only one forum? I don't mind spending the extra $20 on this, since it's a great product. Just wanted to see if I needed to or not.
Hi Snog,

Firstly, absolutely LOVE this script! Thank you! Had a quick question.

The license says:
You are allowed to run this package on one server, provided you have
purchased the package...

Can you use it on multiple forums (I have 2) as long as they are on the same server (i.e. the "one server", or is it intended to mean that it can be used on only one forum? I don't mind spending the extra $20 on this, since it's a great product. Just wanted to see if I needed to or not.
In reality you can run one live and one test site with the license.

But I'm not that picky. If the IP addresses are the same you can run it twice. Or if they are different you can run it twice too, but you won't be able to install it on a third test site then.
I am trying to resolve issue with you that last two distributions of this addon have been incomplete archive, ie, no data in the library folder. I am now getting following response when I reply to your emails. please advise.

<>: does not like recipient.

Remote host said: 554 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using; IP is UCEPROTECT-Level 1 listed. See

Giving up on

--- Enclosed are the original headers of the message.
I am trying to resolve issue with you that last two distributions of this addon have been incomplete archive, ie, no data in the library folder. I am now getting following response when I reply to your emails. please advise.

<>: does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 554 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using; IP is UCEPROTECT-Level 1 listed. See
Giving up on
--- Enclosed are the original headers of the message.
It's not an incomplete archive. There should be one file (two if you include the README.txt file) and one directory in the last update.

The installation instructions have changed. If you read the README.txt file, you need your order number to install the add-on.

Either go to my site and request your order number using the form that's available, or send me a PC here with the PayPal email address used to purchase AAF and I can look it up.

NOTE: I will not be available until tomorrow if you request the information.

So far as the mail error goes, visit the link in the message ( ) that tells you why it's blocked. I don't control that.
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  • I have been receiving your addon since October 8, 2013 - you have my email address
  • Download links expire at midnight on the day they are received .. not full 24hrs as claimed
  • You sent a message to me and I replied .. please use different email vehicle if you cannot control.
  • The 'library/Snog' folder is empty
  • I need complete addon for installing on my site, not just upgrade info
  • order number is required during execution of advapp_install PHP file
  • why are you creating all this extra work?
NOTE - my PayPal email address is exactly the same as email address you are distributing addon
  • I have been receiving your addon since October 8, 2013 - you have my email address
  • Download links expire at midnight on the day they are received .. not full 24hrs as claimed
  • You sent a message to me and I replied .. please use different email vehicle if you cannot control.
  • The 'library/Snog' folder is empty
  • I need complete addon for installing on my site, not just upgrade info
  • order number is required during execution of advapp_install PHP file
  • why are you creating all this extra work?
NOTE - my PayPal email address is exactly the same as email address you are distributing addon
I don't doubt you've been receiving updates all this time. But you aren't the only one running the add-on so I don't know what email address to send the newest version (or the order number) to manually. I can't even find your account on my site since evidently you registered under a different user name than you use here.

I'll look into the midnight problem. You're the first to mention that in 2 years.

The server that sends your email being on a spam black list is not something I can control. You need to contact whoever is running your email service to have them remove it from the black list. If the address you're sending from is from your own server, the link to the black list that is in the email error report tells you how to get your server removed from the black list. I do not run the UCEProtect black list, so I have no control over what is in it.

The complete add-on will be installed when you run advapp_install.php.

Actually it's not extra work, it's less work in the long run for both you and me. Any time there's an update, you just need to run the advapp_install.php file to receive the latest version. There's no downloading, no email to receive, just run the file. Without the order number, the installation system does not know if the install request is from someone that actually purchased the add-on or not. That is why it's required.
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Sorry, I missed the email address in your reply. Give me one minute and I'll send the order number.
Hey @Snog
We recently upgraded to 1.1.6 from a quite old version, trying to adjust the headers:
I know I can just add in my own CSS to fix this but figured I'd let you know as well:

.advappsubhead {
   @property "advappsubhead";
   font-size: 1.1em;
   color: @secondaryDarker;
   background: @secondaryLighter url('@imagePath/xenforo/gradients/category-23px-light.png') repeat-x top;
   padding-left: 5px;
   margin-bottom: 10px;
   border-top: 1px solid @secondaryLighter;
   border-bottom: 1px solid @secondaryLight;
   @property "/advappsubhead";

I'm not seeing that in the style properties at all, tried looking manually and using the search box.
Hey @Snog
We recently upgraded to 1.1.6 from a quite old version, trying to adjust the headers:
I know I can just add in my own CSS to fix this but figured I'd let you know as well:

.advappsubhead {
   @property "advappsubhead";
   font-size: 1.1em;
   color: @secondaryDarker;
   background: @secondaryLighter url('@imagePath/xenforo/gradients/category-23px-light.png') repeat-x top;
   padding-left: 5px;
   margin-bottom: 10px;
   border-top: 1px solid @secondaryLighter;
   border-bottom: 1px solid @secondaryLight;
   @property "/advappsubhead";

I'm not seeing that in the style properties at all, tried looking manually and using the search box.
I had planned on adding it to the style properties but never did.

You will need to edit the CSS until I add it.
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