XF 1.4 Adsense within first and last post

Hi Brogan,

Do you have any conditional statements to show adsense after the last post. Your codes work great for Showing ads after First Post and "so many posts but none for "last post"
Hi Brogan,

Do you have any conditional statements to show adsense after the last post. Your codes work great for Showing ads after First Post and "so many posts but none for "last post"
#18 in his guide?
<xen:if is="{$post.position} % {$xenOptions.messagesPerPage} == x">
This content will show after post x on every page
#18 in his guide?
<xen:if is="{$post.position} % {$xenOptions.messagesPerPage} == x">
This content will show after post x on every page
How will this add adsense after the last reply? that code will only display adds on a specific number of replies i choose hence the" == x ". Number of replies can change per thread
Are you talking about on each page? Or the very last in the topic?
What that will do is display after 23'rd on each page. As for the "last" actual post in the thread - good question?
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