XF 2.0 Ads under first post only


I have been using this to place the ads between first post and second post for 1.xx

<xen:if is="{$post.position} % {$xenOptions.messagesPerPage} == 0 AND {$thread.reply_count} > 0">
Ads code here

Using this ads wont appear below rest of the posts but this does not work with 2.0 for some reason.

Can some one tell me what needs changing to show ads only under the first post and not below ever single post.
I have responded to your ticket.

The system just basically more or less replaces the ad templates in XF1.
You add the ad code to the relevant ad position and optionally use conditional statements to display it under certain conditions.
Thank you. I understood that my _ads in template was corrupt (maybe during the migration ?) and when I changed it, ads appeared. But I tried to add another ad unfortunately _ads was not updated. I know now there is something about this template.
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